Wednesday 8 January 2014

New years resolutions?


So what are your new years resolutions?

Mine are:

1. To spend more time being creative for me.


2. Not to eat so  much (cut down the portions)- eyes bigger than my belly syndrome! - That is such a silly saying - just imagine if our eyes were the size of our belly's- what a sight...did you visualise that too??? ha ha


3. Do at least Some exercise.

So far this is working- week one going ok so about you??

Finally for now... just to share...

 Distress technique tags & book workshop

at Alli Turner Designs on:

Saturday 18th January 10.30- 4.00

Booking essential

Photo: Another peep at the distress tag and book workshop, coming up Sat 18th Jan. Booking essential.


Photo: A quick look at one of the background distress tags you can make to go in your book.x
Photo: Distress tag project ....
Photo: Distress tag techniques in progress for new yer classes. At alli turner designs.

I hope you are all well, and keeping to those new years resolutions- I  am trying too!xx


  1. Not made any Alli as I never ever keep them. Don't you worry Twinkle has not disappeared just you wait that was only the first class of the new year she will be back. I don't think Scoobie agrees with you on being a spoilt cat at the moment he thinks we have given up feeding him. It was a real fight to get him in his basket to go to the vet and then he did a poo in it but they cleaned him up at the vet and sorted out his basket. Debbie had to get the top of his cage off to get him out. Very distressing. However he was good a gold with her and has lost enough weight to have his teeth done in a fortnight. He has to be in for 9.15 so will come straight to the class. Still Twinkle xxx.

  2. This is the first year I've made any! Poor scoobie, I think he would have preferred to be chubby and NOT have his teeth done- rather than a double whammy of starving - then have to go back to the vet for an aesthetic! they find going to the vet so stressful don't they!- But it all has to be done!!v So yes, see you when you can on Tuesday.xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I'd love to hear what you think.