Monday 4 November 2013


What a great time we had on Saturday, A big creative thank you to Liz and Jerry who made these truly AMAZING fabric powertex sculptures.

Jerry had brought her own idea of what she had in mind- and I was so impressed with the Rudolf Nureyev type sculpture she produced...

 Amazing or what!!

Now if you are of a nervous disposition you may not wish to look at this scary sculpture made by Liz...what can I say.....?




Just imagine what you could achieve in one day!
Vouchers  available soon for Christmas presents.

Bookings now being taken for January.
If you fancy coming along to make a  sculpture contact Artworks

Phone0115 922 3743




  1. Hi Alli. The statues made by the Workshop are fantastic. They must be very talented people. Never seen anything like this before you are one clever lady. Have also e mailed you. Love Twinkle

  2. Hi Twinkle, I know, they are amazing aren't they! Marilyn made on too on Saturday- ANYONE can make them! xx


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